Friday, April 29, 2011


it told me to join the party. so i am.

Mike and I scored. Big. 
We got a  brand new PS3 for $299
it came with everything. all the gadgets and extras.
Paddles, Camera, other paddles, (Wii like paddles)
(i guess i have more to learn, but i mean i am a brand new owner. give me time)
including 10 games.
one being Zumba
so.. being the person i am, never skipping out on a party..
im joining in. 
we'll see how it goes.
i love to work out, but i have a problem. I procrastinate. 
if i don't have a schedule and some one to push me, i tend to, let it slide.
because, me.. being a  "yellow" personality (holla at my yellows)
i don't like to do things that aren't fun. so if Zumba is a party....
 i think i'll be good at it.


Courtney Worthington said...

This made me laugh "holla at my yellows". Ha ha. Zumba is a party. I bet you enjoy it. :)

The Versatile Homesteader said...

lol. have you done the color test? my family is way into it. lol alot of us are yellows.
it's different. cause im not much of a dancer, but im gettin it